Sunday, March 15, 2015

That's So Ninja

Sometimes my children use the word ninja as an adjective, rather than a noun.  For example:  "That's so ninja!"  I believe it has a similar meaning to "cool" or "awesome".  Elinor is the most likely to describe something as "ninja"
But in our house, Cannon is the most likely to dress as a ninja.
The recent arrival of the Lego Magazine contained instructions for making a ninja head wrap.  And lest you worry that dressing as a ninja would distract from his daily responsibilities... boy can still practice the piano.
And he can do his math.  Perhaps being a ninja helps him increase his focusing abilities.
As part of our involvement with community theater and The Wizard of Oz, we are "encouraged" to volunteer and help out in lots of different ways.  Since I really don't sew and have zippo woodworking skills, when the call came to spray paint a few hats, I quickly volunteered.  I mean, how hard can it be to spray paint?  Without boring you with details, it was much more labor and time intensive than I anticipated.  They started out green hats, and just did not wish to become white hats.  It went way beyond spray paint, requiring several coats of white paint.  The hats, which are meant for the City Fathers in Munchkin Land, ended up quite heavy and uncomfortable for their little heads.  But they look good and Cannon gets to wear one.
It is hard for kids to resist open paint cans.  I did have to inform him that this wasn't washable kid's paint.  He quickly went and rubbed his skin red trying to wash it off.
Here's a little sneak preview of Faith and her friend Lois as Munchkins at our first dress rehearsal yesterday.  Tomorrow begins play week.  We've got dress rehearsals Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, then Thursday is opening night.  
I asked Bethany the other day how Abe and I were doing as Uncle Henry and Aunt Em.  Her response, and I quote, "You don't really suck that bad... your just not as good as everyone else."

If that doesn't make you want to come see us, I don't know what will!

1 comment:

Amy F. said...

The Ninja!!! He is amazing and hilarious. :) What darling little munchkins. I wish we could see you all perform it!